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时间:2019-06-04 14:23来源:易伯华教育 作者:李老师 点击:
Which teachers courses would you like to take, a teacher who is humorous in class, or a teacher who is serious in class? 你喜欢哪种教师风格,幽默还是严肃? 今天我们一起来看一下5月18日的口语题Task 2,一道让

Which teacher’s courses would you like to take, a teacher who is humorous in class, or a teacher who is serious in class?


今天我们一起来看一下5月18日的口语题Task 2,一道让我们compare的问题:喜欢课上幽默的老师还是严肃的老师呢?

说到严肃的老师我不由想起了最近看过的一部评分很高的电影-《老师好》剧中于谦饰演的苗老师古板严肃,管理学生严厉strict 态度方法也很强硬tough,但是为学生们长远考虑have a long-term consideration for students. 


而说到幽默的老师则有一部电影Dead Poets Society《死亡诗社》,面对贵族学校沉闷的氛围、陈腐的说教授课,新来的Keating老师用他与众不同的上课方式,让学生们放飞自我,找到自信和热情。

最容易集中注意力的是有趣且引人入胜的课程:It’s always the fun and engaging classes that are the easiest to focus in。


As a personal preference I always want a teacher who is funny. Regardless of subject, humorous teachers can make the class either exceptionally enjoyable, or at least not boring. I’m sure all students know how well they could pay attention in their classes, and it’s always the fun and engaging classes that are the easiest to focus in. Even if it’s your least favorite subject, a humorous teacher can make sure you don’t hate coming to class everyday or fall asleep during it. On the other hand, with a serious teacher, boring classes will become absolutely unbearable, while classes you usually like will become unenjoyable as well.  


我还是想要一个搞笑的老师。 无论什么科目,幽默的老师都可以使一节课特别愉快,或至少不枯燥。 我相信所有的学生都知道他们每节课上精力有多集中,最容易集中注意力的是好玩的,引人入胜的课程。即使是你最不喜欢的科目,一个幽默的老师也可以让你不会讨厌每天来上课,或在上课时睡觉。 反过来,如果有一个严肃的老师,枯燥的课就会变得让人绝望,而喜欢的课也会变得无聊。
